Many students worry about graduation and whether or not they will accomplish that milestone. Some people drop out of school before even considering graduation. In both college and high school, graduation rates differ depending on location and race. In certain areas, drop out rates are very high, while other areas, that is not the case. According to statistics, race plays a role in the decision of dropping out.

According to the federal data, between 1995 and 2015, the percentage of white 25-29-year-olds attaining bachelor’s degrees has risen from 29 to 43 percent, a gain of 14 percentage points. Among blacks, the percentage with bachelor’s degrees has gone up by only six points, from 15 to 21 percent, and for Hispanics, it has risen seven points, from 9 to 16 percent. Asians and Pacific Islanders lead all groups from 43 to 63 percent. Gender plays a role in graduation rates, as well. Women overall continue to have greater postsecondary success than men: In 2015, 39 percent of women aged 25 to 29 had completed a bachelor’s degree, while the same was true for 32 percent of men. The number of students receiving either an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s has risen dramatically since 2003: a 51 percent increase in associate’s degrees (from 665,300 to over 1 million) and a 34 percent increase in bachelor’s degrees (from 1.4 million to 1.9 million).

All in all, the cause of low graduation rates are unknown but many factors contribute to the low rates.

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