Holmes is now offering a chance to sign up for 2nd 8 week online classes. These classes will begin on Monday, Oct. 21. To add these classes, you’ll have to go through your MyHolmes portal and go to “create/change my schedule.” If you find that you are having issues, whether it is figuring out how to add one of these classes or which one you should choose, always remember to contact your advisor and set up a meeting or go to the counselors office on your campus.
Many students tend to drop a class or two in the first few weeks of classes; I myself have had to do this. If you happen to find yourself in this position and realize that you need more hours or would like to knock out more classes, now is your time to do so! Students tend to panic whenever they think they are falling behind and this puts more stress on them. Extra stress is the last thing you need on top of everything, so go ahead and take this opportunity. Online classes are great to have when you are on a time-restricted schedule. They work around work hours and classes you are already taking on campus. So don’t forget to take advantage of this and remember to talk with your advisor or counselor if you need guidance!