In early March, we learned that there is a virus killing citizens of Asia and Europe. Across the globe thousands were dying from this virus now known as COVID-19. The whole world globally went into lock-down to prevent the virus from spreading. We’ve all sat around and thought about numerous things like: money, food, and most importantly, what will happen with our kids’ future. Education is very important to all us, but the thought of catching this thing and then spreading it to loved ones is scary. Some colleges pushed online for the fall semester only to make sure their student was safe. On the other hand, colleges like Mississippi State University were push their student to the main campus.
“I am really happy to be back on campus, but the virus makes me very uncomfortable,” said an anonymous source. “MSU has given their students rules and guidelines but has not enforced or explained to their students that this is a very serious matter. Yes, we have some students that wear their masks and we have some that don’t and do not social distance. Our teachers have enforced the rules mainly because they’re scared of getting it.”
Over 582 students are in quarantine at MSU and the numbers keep rising. Putting their students into this type of environment is not safe for not only them but their loved ones as well. Hopefully, the administration will see that this is a problem and push for just online courses soon.