What lengths would you go to just to be considered “beautiful” by your generation? Beauty standards have been around for ages. Some regions are more extreme than in the United States. For example, in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s, China used a method called “foot binding” on young girls to bind their feet in a way that would make their feet skinny and small in length. They went through all of this for these young girls just to be able to fit a beauty standard that was stopped in the 1930’s. In our country and generation, this might look like getting lip filler, liposuction, steroids, a nose job or even a butt lift.
Social media is the biggest influencer when it comes to beauty standards, especially in the Gen-Z and Millennial generations. These generations scroll for hours, most of the time, comparing themselves to who they see on the screen. Whether it is “She has a smaller nose than me,” or “He has bigger muscles than me.” When they see these people on their screen and see how much they fit into what their generation considers “beauty,” What do you think they think about themselves? No matter what generation, people should not have to change themselves to be considered “pretty” or “handsome.”
According to TheBlast.com Taylor Swift once said “‘If you are thin enough, then you do not have that butt that everybody wants. But if you have enough weight on you to have a butt, your stomach is not flat enough. It is all just impossible,” She also talked about how these standards can send people into a hateful spiral of self-loathing and depression.” To read more about this: The Blast: Taylor Swift.
Everyone is beautiful no matter their lip size, nose size, muscle size or butt size. Beauty standards can ruin someone’s self confidence in themselves. Taylor Swift said so herself. What other proof do you need?