The Holmes Community College Gaming Club on the Goodman Campus is a relatively new organization. Though it was started last year, it has taken until this semester for it to truly begin gaining popularity. As it grows in popularity, the club members have been working to add new activities to their meetings. They have recently decided to start a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, which they plan to get underway soon. 

“Since it’s a chaotic mess trying to organize a dozen people that don’t know anything about the game, it provides a fun challenge for the club to overcome,” said Ethan Burton, a club member.

The club has been gaining in popularity through the semester. After their table at Freshman Friday attracted several incoming students, the officers have worked hard to insure the Gaming Club lives up to the excitement that the new students felt when they signed up. They have had a small Mario Kart tournament, a session on how to play Magic Trading Card Game and multiple Cards Against Humanity games. Last week, they held an unofficial contest to see who could stack their D&D dice the quickest, which led to the members attempting to maneuver their character creation around scattered dice of varying sizes.

As they prepare to have a tent for Homecoming, Vice President Chandler Garrett was asked why others should join the club.

“Being part of the Gaming Club means that you will meet other gamers,” Chandler said. “You’ll get to expand yourself on other gaming styles and consoles, which leads to a stronger play style. You’ll just get better at gaming, which we all want to do. If you ever wanted to start a channel, you could meet others with that goal as well. It’s better than being alone. Club of games, meet and conquer!”

The Gaming Club meets in the CCN Room of McMorrough Library at 6 p.m. on Sundays. The officers are Liz Howell, president; Chandler Garrett, vice president; Alyssa Allbritton, secretary, and Chris Garrett, treasurer. Both Liz and Chandler can be emailed with questions or inquiries about club meetings and activities. Their emails are and

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