Friday morning while most students were at home sleeping in for their first day of Thanksgiving break, a few students from the iCreate club, met up and toured the Mississippi Craft Center.
The students wanted to do something art related outside of their usual Tuesday meetings. They came together and thought touring the craft center would be a good choice. Some of the things the group saw were quilts, baskets, wood-carved spoons,
metal and clay sculptures, fused glass and handcrafted jewelry. The Mississippi Craft Center was built in 2007, and holds a number of crafts made by craftsmen from here in Mississippi but as well as in 16 other states.
The Mississippi Craft Center as many functions- retail gallery, museum, education center, art referral agency, community gathering place and a visitor’s center. Governor William Waller theorized the organizing and fostering Mississippi’s craft
artisans would benefit the state’s economy, image and tourism efforts. The craft center is connected to the Natchez Trace where they have built a bride connecting the two. The first path they made can also be seen. The group found out a lot of information while they were there and got to see what
the center was all about.

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