Remember the Legacy, but Keep the Movement Alive.

 The anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s death in 1968 brings many Americans together in Memphis, Tennessee. His legacy is forever remembered in the African American community, but many people believe that his dream still has not become a reality. There is no doubt why these people feel this way, and then the question arises: Do you think that America would be different if Dr. King was still alive? As mentioned above, the Dr. King legacy will forever be remembered, but to some aspect, the movement would still be alive if he were still living today.

Some Americans believe that the Dr. King movement was succeeded by a number of laws to give African Americans the same rights as caucasians, but this is not true in a sense of reality. Dr. King spoke against racial segregation, but America is still forming racial attacks and segregation. President Donald Trump states that “the dream King built could never be taken away.” Now be reminded that Trump constantly forces the issue of building a wall across the United States border, or the banning of Muslims, or sending immigrants that had already established businesses in the United States back to their country. What will he do next; send African Americans back to Africa? Dr. King’s legacy will forever be remembered, but as Americans we need to keep his movement alive.

Demonstrators hold signs and chant during a protest against President Donald Trump’s executive order banning travel to the United States by citizens of several countries Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017, at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. (Jeffrey M. Smith/AP/CP)
People hold signs, resembling the signs carried by striking sanitation workers in 1968, as they join in events commemorating the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. on Wednesday in Memphis, Tenn. King was assassinated April 4, 1968, while in Memphis supporting striking sanitation workers. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

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