Every four years, a big political debate breaks out. It never changes. It happens around the same time of the year and it is about the same thing. The question to this debate is this, “Who will be the next president?” The only thing about the 2020 elections is that it might be more dangerous because of who’s running and the social issues going on in America.

Mississippians are waiting in line to vote on the busy day of Nov. 3. There is one thing that is now illegal in the state of Mississippi. The majority of residents don’t know this, but it is illegal to wear Trump or Biden gear to vote. A lot of people like to show off who they support by hanging flags, wearing clothing, stickers and hats, but at the polls will be a place where that is not allowed.

In the article, “It’s illegal in Mississippi to wear Trump or Biden gear to vote on Tuesday,” author Margaret Baker when into the Mississippi laws when defending why that’s a rule.

Baker (2020) explained it like this, “The Mississippi law says: ‘It shall be unlawful for any candidate for an elective office, or any representative of such candidate, or for any proponent or opponent of any constitutional amendment, local issue or other measure printed on the ballot to post or distribute cards, posters or other campaign literature within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any entrance of the building wherein any election is being held. It shall be unlawful for any candidate or a representative named by him in writing to appear at any polling place while armed or uniformed, nor shall he display any badge or credentials except as may be issued by the manager of the polling place.’ And that includes any campaign flags, pens, posters or face masks as well as any bumper stickers or magnetic signs on any vehicles parked at the polling place.”

The elections are getting heated up, so avoid problems as much as you can. You can do this by obeying the rules and instead of being rebellious, don’t wear political gear.

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