Student Spotlight: Constance McDougles
Classification: Freshman
Major: Paralegal Assistant (At Holmes I think it is just Paralegal)
Hometown: Jackson
High school: Forest Hill (Jackson)
Q: This is your first semester at Holmes, what was the deciding factor in choosing to continue your education here?
A: I have always heard great things about this school, and I have had family members to attend this institution. They really enjoyed their time while they were students and went on to be successful at different four–year universities.
Q: How has your experience been so far?
A: Thus far, my experience has been great. I am enrolled in mostly online courses, and I love the fact that I can work full–time while pursuing a degree. I also love how dedicated the instructors are to making sure that the students understand thoroughly. I have even had one instructor text my phone because I had not turned in an assignment.
Q: How have you adjusted to college life again, being that you have been out of school for nine years?
A: To be honest this has been a very smooth transaction. From the Financial Aid department to the Admissions staff, everyone was friendly and very helpful
Q: If you could change one thing about your decision to go back to school what would it be?
A: If I could change one thing about my decision to go back to school I would have one, never stopped, and two, I would have made the decision to go to Holmes as soon as I graduated high school. It has only been half a semester but I already feel very comfortable with decision to continue what I started years ago.
Tamera: Thank you for sitting down with me for this interview. I appreciate your time and hopefully one day we will be able to sit and talk again.
Constance: It was my pleasure Tamera, it was nice talking to you.